Spring Break is always a time for me to push away the books, papers to grade, and outside requirements, to rest, relax, be creative and play. As much as I would love to sleep in everyday, my body clock will not let me nor my doggies. They can feel when it is time get up and sure do let me know with a lot of nudges and kisses. In a way, I enjoy getting up early - the house is still (except for the dogs) and I can have a bit of quiet time before my day begins.
Dragging out my rubber stamps, stamp pads, and of course my Copic Markers, I have taken time to play this week. When I was five years old and was asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, without any hesitation my answer was, "I want to be an artist, just like my mom." She was always doing something artsy - drawing, painting, making jewelry, using decoupage to decorate numerous items, and the list goes on and on. She was an extremely talented and VERY creative person.
For some reason, I so enjoy coloring. As in a previous post I commented that I enjoy the smell of a box of Crayola Crayons, and actually have a collection of new crayon boxes (for the grandchildren of course...ha). I am always looking for the best colored pencil or marker and have acquired a huge collection of those as well.
Several years ago, while living and working in Anchorage, Alaska, I was creating a scrapbook page at a local scrapbook store called, More Than A Memory (a wonderful store, by the way, and very helpful employees!). This lovely lady came in, sat down at the table where I was, and of course we stuck up a conversation. She was making a thank you recipe mini-album for several ladies who had cooked and brought her food while she was recovering from breast cancer surgery. One thing led to another and she stated that she was a teacher at a local stamp store and had some new classes on the schedule. I mentioned to her I had always wanted to take a rubber stamp class and was THRILLED that the store was located less than two miles from where we were living. After she left, I immediately called the stamp store and booked my very first class. Happy, happy, joy, joy!
The ladies of the Stamp Attic, were also so sweet and helpful. They actually treated me as though I was a regular customer that had been there for years. Donna, my teacher, was so kind and I enjoyed learning from her, (she has a blog called The Frozen Stamper - you can visit that HERE). Oh my goodness, I was hooked!
One of the new techniques I learned while there was using Copic Markers. Did you say markers??? You mean there is a marker on the market I don't have? I have to say, that once I held this marvelous tube of color in my hand and begin using it I actually think I heard angles sing! Finally, a marker that blends well with other colors, won't goop up on your paper and glides so effortlessly across the page - no kidding!!!
Well, of course I had to have ALL the colors that I used that day PLUS several stamps. Three things ran through my mind..."This would be a perfect craft for me to do on my days off and it won't take up too much space in our condo" and "Rennie is going to kill me for getting involved in yet another art and craft project" (he calls it art and crap) plus "I love coloring with these markers have to find more!!!"
This is just ONE of many types of markers they produce - this particular one, The Sketch, is my favorite. You can find out more about them HERE. |
The hunt was on - I was like an addict...MUST HAVE MORE MARKERS, MUST HAVE MORE MARKERS! Blaine's Art Supply Store was my gold mine - I had hit pay dirt baby! I heard those angles sing again and I think I began to salivate! They had the best supply of Copic Markers - a floor to ceiling turning display with every kind of Copic Marker available. I have yet to find a place in Florida that carries such a huge assortment. Of course these little buggers are not cheap so I have collected them slowly. They are alcohol based which means the ink dries quickly, come in a bazillion different colors, refillable, and you can purchase new tips for the ends of them once the old ones become dull. Professional graphic artists have been using them for years and I can see why they would be a marker of choice. Once the paper crafters got a hold of them - the word was out and it traveled fast! (Insert a mental picture of a paper crafter, flying, wearing a cape, holding tons of Copic Markers in her hand).
Now, on to my card I wanted to share with you. Because I love to create, I am taking the time to "defrag" by making several card sets to give away. This is a card I worked on yesterday and finally finished today. Even though it is no where near some of the wonderful creations I see on other scrapbook/stamping blogs, I really liked the way it turned out.
Ta Da...the finished card. I really like working with blues and greens. I think they blend so well together. These colors remind me of the outdoors or the ocean.
I wanted to show you the original stamp that I used. It is from Hero Arts and was purchased from Michael's Arts and Crafts. You can find it HERE on the Hero Arts web site.
Here is a larger detail of my work. The butterfly is raised a bit using pop dots. I also used some Stickles (Stardust) to add some glitz to the butterfly, as well as, a band of blue velvet ribbon behind the butterfly.
These are the colors I used on my butterfly. Yes...I used all of these colors. It is amazing how well they blend. I just love, love, love these markers!!!
A close up of the blue and greens used. Ha, I just realized one is upside down...oh well, I don't want to take another photo. Sorry BO4... There were two other greens that were used and not in the photo - they are two of my original markers and were round (not oval) and kept rolling - those colors are YG03 and YG23. Twelve colors in all.
I hope you have enjoyed my post today. It sure would be great it you liked my work and left me a comment here on the blog (it really would make my day!!).
Be sure to become a follower of Parkland Cottage both here and on Facebook.
Now it is back to the drawing/coloring table. I have another butterfly that is in the shades of pinks and oranges that needs to be finished. This post has taken too much creative time out of my day, but hopefully, you will find it worth it.
Until next time... ~Pamela