blue blog

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Signs of Spring

My second favorite season is spring (fall being my favorite).  There is something about how the birds begin to sing, the air is crisp and clean - with the occasional pollen blast in Florida - the sun is shinning but not too hot, lawns begin to look green again, and there is an abundance of flowers.  I have always been attracted to spring flowers!
The beauty of God's creation and the magnificent colors He gives flowers amazes me.  I would have to say that my attraction to the beauty and colors of flowers could be compared to a brand new box of 64 Crayola Crayons.  I know this may sound a bit strange, but I still enjoy coloring (especially with my grandchildren), and have so much fun opening a fresh new box of those waxy sticks of colors.  I usually keep several packs of crayons stashed away for when the grandchildren are here so we can create art and craft projects together. They must have new packs - I dislike dull crayons!  As a child I would anxiously await to receive a new box of 48 or 64 crayons each Christmas - and they must be the Crayola brand - no other brand will do!  As a matter of fact, I have two new boxes of 64 Crayolas set aside for an art project that I pinned on Pinterest! One day I WILL get around to completing that project!
Proof, that I actually have two boxes!!
The Farmers' Market today was set up like a garden - so beautiful! I had to share some photos with you.  Even though I do not know all the names of these beauties, I'm sure the gardeners in my life do! While some of my friends are still knee deep in snow, here in Florida, spring has sprung!  I just wish the spring-like temperatures would stay longer - soon we'll be battling the heat of summer, ick!

Until next time... ~Pamela

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